
I. Qualtrics登录

Login URL: http://sjsu.qualtrics.com
Username: 菠菜网lol正规平台 9位ID
Password: 菠菜网lol正规平台One密码

II. Qualtrics Help

III. 创建调查问卷

Create a survey in 2 ways, new blank project, from a copy, from a library, or
from a file. 

  • Create the folder on a side bar (optional) and select it to create the Project in 创建的文件夹.
  • Click on the Create Project 按钮,将出现对话框. 
  • 空白调查项目: 建立一个全新的调查.
    •  Fill in your Survey Name.. Click Create Project
  • 从现有创建: Create a survey based on an existing survey you’ve already created or 从图书馆, or From a File.
  • From a Copy:
    • Click on From a Copy button. 
    • Find the survey you are copying from in the drop-down menu.
    • Create a new survey name and folder (optional). Click Create Project.
  • 从图书馆: Create a survey from Qualtrics Library or yours and use its template as a starting point.
    •  Click the 从图书馆 button.
    • Select the library you would like to use. 
    • Select the source project, type in the project name (Survey name) 
    • Now, click on Create Project.
  • From a File: Click on Choose a .QSF File, which will open a new dialogue box wherein you choose the survey file.
    • 输入“项目名称”,然后选择 Create Project.

IV. 提出一个问题

Questions can be created in two ways, create your own questions or import questions from your previous surveys or the Qualtrics library.

  • Creating a new question from the Default Question Block. 
    • 点击你的调查,点击 +提出一个新问题. An automatic multiple-choice question will appear.
    • Use the options on the right-hand panel to edit your question. 你可以继续添加 更多问题请点击 +提出一个新问题.
  • Copy a Question from a Survey or Library from the Default Question Block 
    • Click on the 从…… and select the location you want to copy your question from.
    • Select the category or survey you want to copy from. 点击你想要的问题 like to use, you will see it appear in the preview section.
    • Click on the 1问题 按钮来选择它.

V. Activating/Deactivating Your Survey

You will need to activate your survey in order to collect responses. 默认情况下,所有 已创建的调查是非活动的. 

  • To Activate: Go to the Distributions tab, select the distribution type from web, email, social and mobile and then select 适当的子选项.
  • 禁用: Click 暂停响应收集 在左上角 Distributions tab.

VI. 查看结果

You may view individual anonymous responses of each person that took your survey or a survey report that will compile the results from everyone that took your survey. 

  • 查看个别回复: Click on the Data & Analysis tab, you will automatically see information for your current survey. 点击下拉菜单 arrow in the Actions column for that response and choose View Response. 
  • 查看报告: Click on the Reports tab, for a detailed report of the survey.